Floyd Ades delivering ice from his truck
In 1951, Floyd Ades purchased the Chino ice route from his cousin and thus Chino Ice Service was born. Chino Ice Service provided regular ice delivery services to homes and commercial businesses from 1951 into the early 1960’s.
Jerry Ades and his first turbo ice machine
Dann Ades loved the ice business at an early age
In 1990 Jerry’s son Dann joined the business to work with his father. They had a clear vision for growth and scaled operations and in1998 broke ground to construct a brand new ice plant.
3 generations of the the Ades family
We’ve been ice cool for over 70 years! Cold Star Ice prides itself on the same traditions of relationships, great service, and strong family values that Floyd Ades started back in 1951. Today the tradition continues.

Our Story
In 1951, Floyd Ades purchased the Chino ice route from his cousin and thus Chino Ice Service was born. Floyd knew the ice business well, as he has been a foreman for 10 years prior to the largest ice block manufacturer in Pomona, California. The Chino Ice Service provided regular ice delivery services to homes and commercial businesses into the early 60’s.
Floyd soon realized the refrigerator was becoming a household standard and the ice delivery man a dying breed. He envisioned providing ice from retail vending machines instead of delivering it. In 1964, Floyd purchased his first S&S Vending machine and placed it next to his house in Chino, California. He grew his ice company years with relationships, great service, and strong family values.
In 1973, Floyd retired and sold his business to his eldest son Jerry. Jerry was ambitious and grew the ice vending company from 6 vending machines to over 25, but the economic crisis in 1976 caused the recreational use of ice slowed dramatically. Jerry envisioned becoming a manufacturer as a way to control his business and to produce ice for retail sale. By 1989, Jerry grew Chino Ice Service to an ice manufacturing company of 80 tons/day and over 8 delivery trucks.
In 1990, Jerry’s son Dann joined the business to work with his father. They had a clear vision for growth and scaled operations and in 1998 broke ground to construct a brand new ice plant. Starting with 100 tons/day they grew through acquisition and competitive growth. In 2009, the company transitioned to a more universal name: Cold Star Ice. In the next few years, more acquisitions occurred and by 2011 Cold Star ice had 4 facilities and over 100 square miles in southern California.
Over the years Dann and Jerry worked constantly to automate their systems for the future and in 2015, Cold Star installed 2 robotic palletizers with full automation. Two years later the facility was producing 370 tons/day with space for a future 50 tons.
We’ve been ice cool for over 70 years and pride ourselves on the same traditions of relationships, great service, and strong family values that Floyd Ades started back in 1951.
Today the tradition continues.